Born in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, April 20, 1932
Combat Infantryman Badge
Bronze Star Medal Purple Heart Medal
Prisoner of War Medal Army Good Conduct Medal Army of Occupation Medal
National Defense Service Medal Korea Service Medal United Nations Service Medal
Army Presidential Korean Presidential
Unit Citation Unit Citation
Cross of Military Service
United Daughters of the Confederacy
Taro Leaf Patch
24th Infantry Division
Died in An-Dong, North Korea, May 15, 1951
At the beginning of the Korean War, on July 11, 1950, Ralph was
captured and held prisoner by the Communists in North Korea
until his death of starvation. He was barely 19 years old.
Rest in peace, my brother. You will never be forgotten!
"Let There Be Peace On Earth"
Ralph was in K Company, 21st Infantry Regiment, 24th Infantry Division. The soldiers and civilian internees he was imprisoned with later came to be known as Tiger Survivors ... so named after the cruel and murdering North Korean Major who was in charge of the group from late 1950 through early 1951. A madman who enjoyed killing, "The Tiger" shot many of the prisoners and many others were beaten to death during the "Death March." But, the majority died of exposure and untreated respiratory infections. Out of nearly 850 who were captured, only 164 are alive today.
Shorty Estabrook
I lost my friend along the way
I remember how he looked at me
"So, leave me now and go your way
* * *
In Memory of Ralph
This poem was written by my friend
The beautiful graphic above was created by
You joined the Army when only a boy.
They sent you there and you became a man,
From your outfit, 850 were captured and the cruelty began.
Not a moment goes by that you're not on our mind.
We shall meet in heaven, Ralph, my brother.
* * *
The Forgotten War
By Lieutenant Colonel Ralph "Eli" Culbertson
The cold, bleak hills of Korea
It happened in the Bean Camp, Pak's Palace,
And this was done in the name of
It was really not "give-up-it-is."
As Father Coyos reminded me at my daily prayer,
But how can we live today
Left behind. Somewhere on the cold
To this place that I call now.
I didn't want to lose my friend,
But I did and don't know how.
As I laid him down to rest,
When he said, "I can't go on, old pal;
You've seen my very best."
And when your journey ends,
Remember me beside this road,
Your buddy and your friend."
Julia Marie Girard
Born June 19, 1932
Died July 29, 2001
Jules Patriotic Pages
her son, Ray Girard. Thanks ever so much
to both of you for these precious gifts.
We cried when you left; there was no joy.
There was a war going on in a far off land.
It was Korea, a country far from grand.
Rugged mountains and frigid cold,
Not to mention the enemy, cruel and bold.
Because of war and taking a stand.
A stand for the freedom that all deserve,
But the enemy threw our warriors a curve.
Bloody battles were fought but all in vain,
For they overcame our troops with disdain.
A forced Death March ... savage beatings on every hand.
Only 164 remain today to recall the torture they gave.
And, you, dear brother, they starved you to your grave.
You'll always be remembered ... you were one of a kind.
You're in a far better place now and we pray to our Lord
That you have eternal peace ... without a battle sword.
Until then, your memory is like no other.
Our love for you will never die.
But, please don't feel bad when we often cry.
L/21/24, Camps 2 and 7
Are far away from the USA
Where we fought the fight for freedom
And the right for human liberty.
And, as POWs in captivity, we saw
The worst of inhumane treatment
That man can give to man.
The Mining Camp, Death Valley,
In the Cornfield, and on the Death March.
It consisted of beatings, murders, and starvation,
Brainwashing, mock trials, and isolation,
Kneeling bare-chested in the snow.
Standing with arms held high
While the Bull or the Whip beat you over the head
With corn cobs, sticks or rifle butts.
And all were allowed since each guard was
His own judge, jury, and executioner.
Stalin and IL-Sung Kim.
Whether the "Tiger" led it
Or by "Dirty Pictures Wong,"
It is still remembered in my mind
As a long ... dark ... dreary passage of time
Which many of us could not endure.
The flesh was weak and the mind unable to cope.
But why did some of us die
And others live?
I know not why.
Sometimes I've said, simply, that
"I would not let the bastards kill me."
And, yet, there is more to it than that.
"Please God, increase the value of this food."
It brings to mind what our captors used to say,
"Well, if you believe in God, then let him feed you."
So, I suppose in many cases, such as mine,
He did.
Without remembering the past?
We cannot.
And, most importantly, we must remember
Our buddies who did not make it.
Thornton, Jester, Anderson, Cox, McKinley,
And the Roll Call goes on.
Korean hillside or beside the road.
Let's bring them home.
If not their remains, at least their Roll Call,
Enshrined forever in appropriate memorial,
As at the Punchbowl:
National Cemetery of the Pacific
Memorial Day
Memorial Day is a day our nation has set aside to honor those who fought and died to preserve our nation's freedom and values. In this era of busy lives, however, many Americans do not participate in Memorial Day events. That can change. There is now a new Memorial Day tradition in which every American, no matter where they are or what they are doing, can participate:
The National Moment of RemembranceIt is significant that all people of this land should simultaneously pause and remember those heroes who died as a result of service to this nation and to those who remain unaccounted for and their families.
Involving all Americans will help bring us together, in unison, to pause, remember, and honor those who have sacrificed so much. At 3:00 p.m. (local time) on each Memorial Day, a moment of remembrance will be conducted for this purpose.
To learn more on how you and your organization can participate in the National Moment of Remembrance, please call or visit:
1-202-395-7373 Program for National Moment of Remembrance
Remembering the "Forgotten War"
If you were asked, "What happened on June 25, 1950," what would you say?
Do you know what event took place on this historic day?
It was the start of the Korean War, the "Forgotten War," as it is referred;
When the Communist North Korean invasion of South Korea occurred.
Our brave soldiers, who were shipped out to defend freedom in this foreign land,
Didn't realize that it would become a three-year stand.
They fought their best and many a supreme sacrifice was made.
How can it be called the "Forgotten War" when a toll like this was paid?
Memories of Osan, Pusan, Inchon, the "Death March" and POW camps,
haunt veterans who fought in that living hell.
To them it's not a "Forgotten War," for they remember it well!
Shirley Jones Whanger © 2000
Niece of Thomas Dale Jones
A Battery, 52nd FAB, 24th Infantry Division
Died January 1, 1951 in a POW camp
at Hanjang-ni, North Korea.
A tune sounded during ceremonies at the
Tomb of the Unknowns and at military funerals
everywhere is known simply as . . . . TAPS.
Changing of the Guard at the
TOMB OF THE UNKNOWNSStory by Kathryn Shenkle, a historian
with Arlington National Cemetery.
During a visit to Arlington National Cemetery, Va., you might hear the echoes of "Taps" being sounded by a bugler from one of the armed forces of the United States.
The 132-year-old bugle call was composed by Brig. Gen. Daniel Butterfield, who commanded the 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, V Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, during the American Civil War.
Butterfield wrote "Taps" at Harrison's Landing, Va., in July 1862 to replace the customary firing of three rifle volleys at the end of burials during battle. "Taps" also replaced "Tatoo," the French bugle call to signal "lights out." Butterfield's bugler, Oliver W. Norton of chicago, was the first to sound the new call. Within months, "Taps" was sounded by buglers in both Union and Confederate forces.
"Taps" concludes nearly 15 military funerals conducted with honors each weekday at the Arlington National Cemetery as well as hundreds of others around the country. The tune is also played at many memorial services in Arlington's Memorial Amphitheater and at gravesites throughout the cemetery.
"Taps is sounded during the 2,500 military wreath ceremonies conducted at the Tomb of the Unknowns every year, including the ones to be held this Memorial Day. The ceremonies are viewed by many groups, including veterans, schools, and foreign officials.
One of the final bugle calls of the day on military installations, "Taps" is played at 10 p.m. as a signal to service members that it is "lights out."
When "Taps" is played, it is customary to salute, if in uniform, or place your hand over your heart if not.
The composer of "Taps" was born Oct. 31, 1831, in Utica, N.Y., and joined the Army in Washington, D.C.
He was awarded the Medal of Honor in the U.S. Volunteers on Jun 27, 1862. After his brigade lost more than 600 men in the Battle of Gaines Mill, Butterfield took up the colors of the 83rd Pennsylvania Volunteers. Under heavy enemy fire, he encouraged the depleted ranks to regroup and continue the battle.
Butterfield died July 17, 1901, and was buried at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y. "Taps" was sounded at his funeral.
"Unlearned Lesson"By
Dorothy Brown Thompson
(A Kansas City Poet)On Veteran's Day of every year
The little valiant flags appear
On every fallen soldier's grave.
Symbol of what each died to save.
And we who see and still have breath
Are we no wiser for their death?* * * Contributed by
Jan Curran, Daughter of
Lt. Charles Garrison, MIA
U.S. Navy, VF884 Squadron
Military and Patriotic Music
~ I Thessalonians 5:13b (NASV) ~
Vets.Com Vets Search Find the Veterans or Military Site You Want! Veterans Search is a service of The American Veterans Alliance Click Here
50th Anniversary of the Korean War/Commemoration Flag
The official public access web site for the
Department of Defense commemoration of the
50th anniversary of the Korean War.
The Korean War
Information compiled by Ed Evanhoe
Life member: Special Forces and Special Operations Associations.
Saints and Heroes
Honoring veterans and heroes.
I Am The Flag
An incredible tribute to the flag of the United States of America.
Her name is Old Glory ... long may she wave!
Johnson's List
The entire list of some 500 fellow prisoners who died in
captivity, as it appeared in Reader's Digest, January 1997.
"Limbo on the Yalu ... and Beyond"
An inspirational book telling of the events that
one man faced going into the Korean War.
Korean War Project
Best Korean War site on the Web!
Korean War Veterans Association
Forgotten soldiers of a forgotten victory forgotten no more.
The American Legion
World's largest veterans organization.
Korean War Veterans Memorial
Honoring the men and women who served in Korea.
The Corporal Clair Goodblood Medal of Honor Memorial
Honoring a Korean War hero and veterans from all wars.
Korean War Veterans National Museum and Library
The Forgotten Victory.
Veterans News and Information Service
Excellent resources for military veterans. Includes sections for
News, Bookstore, POW/MIA, Support, VetNews, Legislation,
Chat, Survey, Links, Lists, Search, Jobs, TOC, and more.
U.S. Army Ribbons and Medals
All the ribbons and medals in order of precedence.
RCFP Freedom of Information (FOI) Services Letter Generator
A fully-automated fill-in-the-blanks letter generator to assist in
effectively communicating with Government agencies. Operated
by the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press.
Korean War and Tiger Survivor Tribute Pages
In honor of Richard Samuel Sydnor.
Korean War Poetry
Frank Gross - Poet - Songwriter - Musician
International Hall of Honor
Honoring veterans who have passed through the unseen portals.
Truly an amazing and beautiful site where you can also
"place a flag" for your loved ones.
Korea WebWeekly
An independent, non-partisan, free web on all things Korean:
history, culture, economy, politics and military.
Korean War MIA/POW Help Desk
Includes many links to Korean War and MIA/POW sites.
Sponsored by "Korea WebWeekly."
Jules Patriotic Pages
In honor of all who have served to keep America free.
U.S. Military Unknown Remains
Your help is needed to identify MIA remains.
Post Traumatic Stress Resources
Links to resources.
The MASH 4077 Homepage.
MIDI Files of Multilingual Hymns
English, Korean, Japanese hymn translations,
including language fonts for downloading.
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